
Gets you all product information

GET api/product/getproductList

Retrieve a list with all active products

GET api/product/getproduct?productNumber={productNumber}

Retrieve product information


For all finance stuff

POST api/finance/allInvoice?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Retrieve all invoices without details

GET api/finance/getInvoice?invoiceNumber={invoiceNumber}

Retrieve 1 specific invoice

GET api/finance/getInvoiceAsPdf?invoiceNumber={invoiceNumber}

Retrieve 1 specific invoice as PDF

GET api/finance/getCurrentBalance

This will get you your current balance

GET api/finance/getAllPurchaseOrder?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get a list of all PO between a certain date


Everything that has to do with ordering new products

POST api/order/buyvouchers

This will buy you a voucher that you can sell to your customer.

POST api/order/buyvouchers2

This will buy you a voucher that you can sell to your customer, but now with a proper error

GET api/order/getsliptext?productNumber={productNumber}&serialNumber={serialNumber}

To reprint a voucher based on product number and serial number

GET api/order/getsliptext?reprintCode={reprintCode}

To reprint a voucher based on reprint code